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- Carsten SambrausLeiter Innovation, Digitalisierung & Industrie 4.0+49 (0) 2102 / 4989-20c.sambraus@ buehler-technologies.com
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Gas Analysis
Here you will find the right person to contact. Simply select your country. Missing your country, then contact us directly. Click here.
- 销售美国
- 在法国销售
- Frédéric ChaigneSales Manager France
Countries covered: France, Algeria, Marocco, Spain, Tunisia
f.chaigne@ buehler-technologies.com
- 在中国销售
- 刘 华伟德国比勒科技北京代表处
Rm 904, Building 3, Haidian Greenland Central Park, Haidian,100194, Beijing, China
- Buehler Technologies GmbH Beijing Representative OfficeXiao Shangpeng
Rm 904, Building 3, Haidian Greenland Central Park, Haidian,100194, Beijing, China
- Buehler Technologies GmbH Beijing Representative OfficeZhang Yunfeng
Rm 904, Building 3, Haidian Greenland Central Park, Haidian,100194, Beijing, China
- 在非洲和中东的销售
- Wolfgang StollExport Manager
Countries covered: Belgium, Portugal, Middel and South America (without Mexico), Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Oman, South Africa, Egypt, Libya, Pakistan, Australia, New Zealand
- 销售国际
- Wolfgang StollExport Manager
Countries covered: Belgium, Portugal, Middel and South America (without Mexico), Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Oman, South Africa, Egypt, Libya, Pakistan, Australia, New Zealand
- Ralph SeatterExport Manager
Betreute Länder: Irland, Vereinigtes Königreich, Niederlande, Dänemark, Schweden, Norwegen, Finnland, Baltische Staaten (Estland, Lettland, Litauen), Polen, Tschechien, Slowakei, Slowenien, Kroatien, Bosnien-Herzegowina, Serbien, Montenegro, Nord-Mazedonien, Kosovo, Rumänien, Bulgarien, Türkei, Ungarn, Georgien, Aserbaidschan
- Dr. Matthias DrutschmannExport Manager
Betreute Länder: Italien, Griechenland, Zypern
- 产品管理
- Larissa Jatho产品经理 (AT)
- 内部销售和应用管理
- Daniel Vohs內部銷售和應用經理 (AT)
气体分析仪 &
- 服务
- 系统整合
- 销售管理
- Jan-Oliver Classen销售管理团队负责人
- 管理
- Frank PospiechManaging Director Sales & Marketing
- Stefan EschweilerManaging Director Technics & Administration
Here you will find the right person to contact. Simply select your country. Missing your country, then contact us directly. Click here.
- 在欧洲销售(不含D-A-CH)
- Vincenzo CrippaExport Manager (FC)
- 销售美国
- Douglas PrangeTechnical Sales Manager-Fluid Control
- 在法国销售
- Frédéric ChaigneSales Manager France
Countries covered: France, Algeria, Marocco, Spain, Tunisia
f.chaigne@ buehler-technologies.com
- 在中国销售
- Buehler Technologies GmbH Beijing Representative OfficeXiao Shangpeng
Rm 904, Building 3, Haidian Greenland Central Park, Haidian,100194, Beijing, China
- Buehler Technologies GmbH Beijing Representative OfficeZhang Yunfeng
Rm 904, Building 3, Haidian Greenland Central Park, Haidian,100194, Beijing, China
- 产品管理
- Fabienne Knoke初级产品经理(FC)
- René Vogler产品经理 (FC)
- 内部销售和应用管理
- Johnny de Werth內部銷售和應用經理 (FC)
- Marvin Dose內部銷售和應用經理 (FC)
- Rafael Klein內部銷售和應用經理 (FC)
- 销售管理
- Jan-Oliver Classen销售管理团队负责人
- 销售经理 流体控制
- Dirk Bloser销售总监 Fluidcontrol
- 管理
- Frank PospiechManaging Director Sales & Marketing
- Stefan EschweilerManaging Director Technics & Administration