- Sample conditioning panel
- Prepared for easy installation into appropriate cabinet or shelter
- Flow rate adjustable, integrated bypass for response time optimization
- Outlet dew point adjustable/delta-T control optional
- Nominal cooling capacity 195 kJ/h (40 °C version) or 175 kJ/h (50 °C version), resp. 185 Btu/h (104 °F version) or 166 Btu/h (122 °F version)
- Number of calibration gases and solenoid valves variable
- Either tubed in PTFE or stainless steel
- Various pump and cooler models available
The Modular sample conditioning panels MSCP range provides costumized systems build on panels for plug- in installation into cabinets, shelters or instrumentation rooms. Depending on the application and/or clients demand the panel comprises a full conditioning systems composed from the high quality range of our sample conditioning program. We draw special emphasis to the fact, that we do not compromise: all major items of the systems are developed and manufactured particularly for gas analysis applications by Bühler Technologies GmbH.
The size of the panel is depending on the number of components necessary for the individual application. Please also consider our SCS 19“ drawer solutions.