Bühler Technologies GmbH

Hydrogen components

Gas Analysis in the Electrolysis:

Components for hydrogen & oxygen measurements

Electrolysis is THE hot topic of recent years and a key technology for the transformation towards a sustainable economy. Hydrogen not only plays a key role as an energy source, but also for material applications (e.g. in the direct reduction of steel). A particular focus here is on the purity of the gas to be used - the specific requirements depending on the application are set out in ISO 14687. Checking compliance with these limit values requires appropriate gas analysis and therefore also sample gas conditioning.

Over the last two years, Bühler has developed a range of products suitable for applications with high-purity water and oxygen. This includes sample gas coolers, sample gas pumps and automatic condensate drains.

For applications in which water and oxygen concentrations above the LEL are present, special requirements are placed on the materials and production processes used. The problems encountered and the measures taken by Bühler are as follows:


Problem: Strong oxidising properties
  • Embedding atomic hydrogen in metals and changing the mechanical properties
  • Inclusion of hydrogen bubbles (flakes or fish eyes) in the metal during welding
  • Selection of suitable materials (high-strength steels with high chromium and nickel content)
  • Hydrogen effusion annealing for welded assemblies to drive out elemental hydrogen and gas bubbles

Problem: Hydrogen diffusion
  • Hydrogen is very volatile due to its small molecular size and has a high mobility and permeability, especially in metal latticest
  • Select suitable materials with suitable surface treatment
  • Use a tight-fitting screw connection
  • Standard leak test


Problem: Strong oxidising properties
  • Oxygen is a highly reactive gas, which is particularly corrosive in the presence of water and can lead to material failure
  • Selection of suitable materials that have been approved by the BAM (Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing) for use with high concentrations of oxygen

Problem: Risk of fire and explosion
  • As the main component in the combustion triangle, oxygen has a strong fire-promoting effect and can lead to spontaneous combustion in the case of dusts, organic substances such as fats or oils
  • Lowering the ignition threshold of organic compounds
  • Set up a clean room and establish production instructions for the manufacture of products
  • Welding the finished products to ensure cleanliness until installation
  • Cleaning the articles in accordance with EIGA DOC 33/18 and VDA Volume 19 and issuing a corresponding application release, which guarantees freedom from oil, grease and particles
  • The RC 1.1 with -H2/-O2 heat exchanger series was specially developed for use with high-purity hydrogen and oxygen.
    Gas cooler series RC 1.1 -H2/-O2
    The RC 1.1 with heat exchanger -H2/-O2 is a compressor sample gas cooler for up to 2 gas paths and an indispensable component for cooling hydrogen (H2) and oxygen (O2) in extractive gas analysis when a high cooling capacity is required.
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  • The TC-MIDI with -H2/-O2 heat exchanger series was specially developed for use with high-purity hydrogen and oxygen.
    Gas Cooler Series TC-MIDI -H2/-O2
    The top performance class of Bühler semiconductor coolers with one or two gas paths. With heat exchangers that are suitable for cooling hydrogen (H2) and oxygen (O2), it can be expanded into an autonomous gas treatment centre for monitoring the LEL using a wide range of accessories.
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  • The TC-Standard with -H2/-O2 heat exchanger series was specially developed for use with high-purity hydrogen and oxygen.
    Gas Cooler Series TC-Standard -H2/-O2
    Powerful gas cooler with one gas path and heat exchanger optimised for hydrogen (H2) and oxygen (O2) for monitoring the LEL. Power supply 24 V DC, 115 V or 230 V AC. Extensive range of accessories directly attachable.
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  • Pump for conveying sample gas for gas analysis in category 2 ATEX areas
    Sample Gas Pump P2.2 ATEX-H2/-O2
    This ATEX gas pump has a flow rate of 400 l/h and has been optimised for use with gases containing water and oxygen above the LEL. It is approved for use in potentially explosive atmospheres in accordance with the scope of the ATEX regulations. Power supply 115 or 230 V AC 50/60 Hz.
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  • All of the benefits of the standard sample gas pump P2.x AMEX
    Sample Gas Pump P2.2 AMEX-H2/-O2
    These pumps have been designed for use with H2 and O2. All materials have been approved for the special application and the O2 version undergoes a special cleaning process. Otherwise, the pump corresponds to the P2.2 AMEX.
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  • Pump for conveying sample gas for gas analysis in category 2 ATEX areas
    Sample Gas Pump P2.4 ATEX-H2/-O2
    This ATEX gas pump has the performance data of the P2.2 and an additional intermediate flange. It has been optimised for gases with water and oxygen content above the LEL. It is approved for use in potentially explosive atmospheres in accordance with the scope of the ATEX regulations. Power supply 115 or 230 V AC 50/60 Hz.
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  • All of the benefits of the standard sample gas pump P2.x AMEX
    Sample Gas Pump P2.4 AMEX-H2/-O2
    These pumps have been designed for use with H2 and O2. All materials have been approved for the special application and the O2 version undergoes a special cleaning process. Otherwise, the pump corresponds to the P2.4 AMEX.
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  • Pump for conveying sample gas for gas analysis in category 2 ATEX areas
    Sample Gas Pump P2.72 ATEX-H2/-O2
    This ATEX gas pump has a flow rate of 700 l/h and has been optimised for gases with water and oxygen contents above the LEL. It is approved for use in potentially explosive atmospheres in accordance with the scope of the ATEX regulations. Power supply 115 or 230 V AC 50/60 Hz.
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  • Pump for conveying sample gas for gas analysis in category 2 ATEX areas
    Sample Gas Pump P2.74 ATEX-H2/-O2
    This ATEX gas pump has the performance data of the P2.72 and an additional intermediate flange. It has been optimised for gases with water and oxygen content above the LEL. It is approved for use in potentially explosive atmospheres in accordance with the scope of the ATEX regulations. Power supply 115 or 230 V AC 50/60 Hz.
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  • Condensate drains are intended for installation in gas analysis systems. They are used to drain condensate from self-contained gas systems.
    Condensate drain 11 LD V 38 (-O2)
    For reliable condensate removal in applications with oxygen and hydrogen contents above the LEL. O2 variant cleaned in accordance with EIGA Doc 33/18 with regard to freedom from particles, oil and grease.
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  • . The connecting and joining elements are cleaned in accordance with ASTM-G93 to ensure that they are free of particles, oil and grease.
    Stainless steel pipe fittings (-O2)
    Suitable for applications with high-purity oxygen by special cleaning according to the ASTM-G93 standard procedure for oxygen applications of level C. The materials have been tested for suitability for use with high oxygen concentrations. Various thread and pipe options are available in imperial and metric sizes.
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